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Super happy to hear there's going to be additional content! This is one of my favorite adult games and I eagerly await whatever you make next.


Hey, loved the base game a lot and am really looking forward to the expansion. Are there any updates on how close we are to the release?


But don't stress yourself. Since you're still adding new content, I think many people, including myself, are more than happy to wait if it means the expansion will get better over time.


This ain’t never releasing 


This weekend?


when brother 



Really sorry on the delays, but the good news is that the expansion is done on my part. Right now, we are all playing the waiting game for the remaining necessary artwork, which is unfortunately a bit out of my hands, and has slowed down a bit due to technical issues and availability on the artist's side.

The other good news is that as the expansion has been delayed a bit, I have been adding additional content to it that makes further use of the new assets and backstage mechanics made for the expansion. Some additional unplanned content was added during May, and I have implemented more during June as well, and I will continue on adding content until the remaining artwork is finished.

I would rather the expansion be out already, but these delays haven't been for nothing, as they are resulting in an even bigger expansion!

Thank you for the patience and support!

Thank you 🥹


How we lookin on the update. I’m starvin. 

do you know ETA on update release date? 

Should be May/June based on last progress log on patreon.

(1 edit)

Damn, this is a really unique game with actually good pacing.

You nailed the expectation of stuff getting kinkier, but, I would love it if you could get some stuff working such as the Settings menu, being able to have an in game menu, save whenever we need/want, that'd help a ton

Also, a gallery!! That would be what it's really needed!!!

I have come from another website you host this on, willing to buy this 10 times if you add these things 🤣

Glad you enjoyed it!

There is a gallery system, which I named the memory system. It's available through the in-game menu. 

There also is a settings menu. Or was there a particular setting you were looking for?

Both are accessible through the in-game menu which is opened by pressing either the "X" or "0" keys.

Adding saving everywhere will likely not be added, as it can cause some various issues. But the other two things you mentioned are already there. Now go on, buy the game 7 times!


this game is awesome, please continue the prt 2

Thank you for playing! Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

There is an expansion in the works, and it's closer than you think!


can you say how much longer!! I’m excited for it. 

Should complete development during this spring season.

So like may maybe? 

That's the idea.


I hope the game will countinue or have part 2 and more Exposure content


Currently working on a free expansion. It's not a part 2 in the sense that it will not continue the story, but it will instead add plenty of content throughout the game. Look forward to more exposure content!


Finished the game, loved it! Hope to see more stuff like this!


I have a part that freezes. The moment you're at the pool party and tell a guy to stop running after you get out of the pool. There's a quick convo where he gets flustered and walks away, after that I cant do anything, not even move.


This. Thank you!
I had gotten a few reports about this one, but none were specific enough to be able to properly find the issue, and so I had been hunting and searching for this bug in all of the wrong places. The detail about it happening when the dude gets flustered finally allowed me to properly pin-point the bug.

The bug is now fixed. The updated build (v1.06) should be up in a few hours.


Yay, I helped lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Is the art handcrafted or A.I generated?
edit: Just found your patreon. Saw you've been working on this for a while and figured it's handcrafted.
Love the art and direction I've seen. This game looks like something right up my alley. I'll pick it up as soon as I can.


I'm so happy to see this gem of a game fully released! 


I've been following this game for a long time and its honestly wonderful to see it up on here. I love this very much and thank you for making it.


I'm happy to hear you have enjoyed it so far, and I hope tomorrow you'll enjoy the full version even more! Thank you for having followed the development!


There was one more issue with Steam for which I had to push the release date back over there, and so I also delayed it here as well for the sake of having a simultaneous release with Steam. The issues with Steam have been solved, and so there shouldn't be any other issues with the release over there.

Does the game have a page or release date on Steam yet? Searching it doesn't show anything.


Flimsy says it's ready to release at the start of August, then somehow manages to fail that for a month and a half straight.


Crazy how it would take 2 minutes a week to keep people who have supported you for months or years updated via Patreon with a quick status on release but instead we have gotten 8 posts from you in 2023. Lol.


Honestly impressive how Flimsy screws up simple pr so hard.


Come on Flimsy, do you really have to do a simultaneous launch across steam and dlsite? You even said your self that the date on was the release date. We have all been waiting eagerly and patiently to play. Wouldn’t you want to finally release it so you can hear the amazing feedback of your game and be done with all this waiting yourself

another 13 days ?? Noooo I cant believe it ! I have been waiting for so long I was even counting hours ! What a let down...


Another delay another portion of my sanity sold to Gaijin

Delayed again?? The release was hours away.